
Friday, February 25, 2011

Funday Friday: Remembering Communities

We each have a community - a place where we live - but we also have a community of friends and people we care about.

This weekend, part of our community - some of our cartoonist buddies - are getting together in Omaha for another meeting of the North Central Chapter of the National Cartoonists Society. We'll make this short today, as SOMEONE has to actually do the work to get ready for the gang (That would be Paul).

We've noticed a lot of lip service being given to the attacks on labor happening around the country this past few weeks, with many ultra-conservatives dragging out the old standard of "Why don't the Unions just give in and pay more?"

Aside from the fact that the teachers unions and other unions in Wisconsin, and in many places around the country, have already been giving, and giving until they have virtually nothing left to give, the point of the attacks on unions isn't about the budget. Even Shep Smith and Juan Williams of Fox News admitted that.

The fight going on around the country surrounding labor is about protecting and respecting our communities, and the people who work behind the scenes to keep them livable and enjoyable.

Teachers, firefighters, cops, nurses, doctors, and most construction workers don't get to sit exclusively behind a computer or a pad of paper during their work day like most of our community of cartoonists, journalists, writers, and others do. They work damn hard, union or not. They're the kinds of people who take showers AFTER work... because they have to.

Most of them are union members. They keep your lights on, your water running, your streets clear of snow - and they teach your kids. They're your neighbors and friends too.

They are part of your community.

Please quit characterizing them as lazy freeloaders, or that they don't work as hard as you do. They probably work harder than most of us. Respect them, and treat them as you, yourself would wish to be treated. Instead of complaining if some of them make more money or have better benefits than you do, perhaps you should instead be asking why YOU are getting screwed for all the hard work that you do.

Treat them as we all should treat anyone who works hard.

And for the folks in our cartoonist community this weekend, that means tip your server generously.
Enjoy your weekend!

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