For those of our readers affected by the flooding going on throughout the Midwest, the phrase, "It could be worse," is small comfort, indeed.
At this point though, if you're directly affected by this flooding situation, small comfort, your family, and your laptop or a cell phone may be the greater share of your possessions not crammed into your friend's and relative's garages.
With that in mind, we're giving you a list of people today that have it just as bad as you, in different ways.
We can start with President Obama.
If we ignore those extremists on the far right who never think the President can do anything correctly, there is still a whole heaping helping of major issues that have just crashed down on his desk.
Yes, he's got some responsibility through FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers for the floods happening from Montana to Mississippi. Those agencies are also still taking care of the tornado disasters in Joplin and Tuscaloosa, and the massive fire in Arizona.
Then there is a new coalition of Democratic and Republican members of Congress who've decided they all want to play Commander In Chief. This group has rapidly decided - after a decade - that America suddenly needs to get out of Afghanistan, regardless of what those involved with operating the war say. Many of these folks were also the same people who insisted that President Obama listen to the Generals on the ground before he made any decisions to stay or go.
At the same time Mr. Obama is dealing with the "Let's leave Afghanistan NOW" coalition, he's also having to face another bipartisan group of lawmakers trying to sue him over the War Powers Act over the United States' involvement, through NATO, in Libya. If that weren't enough, the President's legal advisors at the State Department tried to explain their opinions by saying that American forces haven't REALLY been involved in hostilities in Libya - it's just been our little robot aircraft flying over Libya, while our troops outside of Libya refuel the fighter jets of other NATO countries.
That was just President Obama's Wednesday.
You could also be Mitt Romney, who appears to be running into a candidate who has contradicted virtually everything he's said in the last few years - himself.
Or you could be Newt Gingrich, abandoned by his entire campaign staff - except his wife, who seems to know exactly how to keep Newt exactly where she wants him.
Or Tim Pawlenty, who - after wimping out on confronting his chief rival Mr. Romney, at the debate Monday night - is pretty much considered a political lightweight by anyone interested in the campaign.
You could even be Congressman Weiner, who had to face his wife, as she returned home from a long, overseas business trip as chief assistant to the Secretary of State. Now THERE'S a fellow whose shoes we're happy to NOT be occupying.
So... if you're waiting out the flood waters in the Midwest today - or if you've suddenly found your house filled with extended relatives who don't have anywhere else to go - as uncomfortable as you are, remember there are still other people out there who are up to their neck in things just as nasty as floodwater.