
Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Funday: Thanks For Dads.

With all the "Hallmark holidays" and non-holiday holidays that are out there these days - like National Flip Flop Day (which is today) - we understand that people often tend to either overcelebrate or downgrade almost every chance to celebrate important people and events in their lives.

Don't get us wrong - we're not the kind of people who think that every occasion needs its own party section in the gift and card store. We also don't think that "Talk Like A Pirate Day" should be just as important as Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Independence Day.

What we do think is that important people deserve a little bit more attention at least once a year, on a day reserved for just such gratitude. Moms and dads certainly each deserve their own special day each year, if only for all that they've put up with from their kids.

Maybe you're the kind of person that sends cards or e-cards on occasions you think are important or special. If you are, we hope you've taken the time to pick a special card for your dad - and maybe even written your own special message to go along with it. If you're more the telephone type of person, we hope you take some time to dial up your dad, stepdad, or other father figure this weekend - and whatever you do, don't call him collect.

If you're someone who would rather let your actions say thanks for you,  you may want to buy lunch for your dad today at the UNL Dairy Store. It's a P.O. Pears day at the Dairy Store - and we know quite a few dads who would probably love a fresh-grilled burger that they didn't have to cook themselves. Spring for the ice cream cone too - your dad is worth it.

Maybe you'll be at NebraskaLand Days in North Platte and you've got a dad who is HuskerNutz. Conveniently, the Sowers Club will be selling 2012 Paul Fell HuskerNutz calendars at NebraskaLand Days - so we hope that helps your favorite HuskerNutz father feel appreciated.

The important thing about holidays like Father's Day is that we take a little bit more time to let the fathers and father figures in our lives now how important they are to us.

They're special people. They deserve a special day of gratitude.

Happy Father's Day.