As is often the case, we all tend to overlook the many small blessings we have in our lives. For example, if you're reading this today, you have Internet access and a piece of technology to read the Daily Felltoon on at the moment.
That's more than many folks in the world have right now.
Something many Americans often don't look at as a blessing these days is a day away from their responsibilities. Whether at one of our multiple jobs, or in the search to find employment that pays enough, a day off is something too many Americans don't get these days.
So as a gift, our namesake and Editor-In-Chief, Paul Fell, decided our staff should have this week off - after we send out today's edition.
We're giving you a full set of cartoons for the week, including a Daily Felltoon, a HuskerNutz cartoon, and Paul's Prediction for next Friday's Husker football game (not including highly questionable officiating).
Before we step out for the week, we want to thank you for your continuing support of what we do here at the Daily Felltoon.
Thank you for reading, and enjoying our work.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving week. We certainly will be.